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The resolve_field method can be async. The Resolver will recursively resolve all resolve_field methods in the child nodes to get the data.

Available parameters:

  • context
  • ancestor_context
  • parent
  • dataloaders (supports multiple)
class Blog(BaseModel):
    id: int

    comments: list[str] = []
    def resolve_comments(self):
        return ['comment-1', 'comment-2']

    tags: list[str] = []
    async def resolve_tags(self):
        await asyncio.sleep(1)
        return ['tag-1', 'tag-2']


The post_field method can be sync or async. It is triggered after the data of the descendant nodes is processed, and is used to perform subsequent processing on the obtained data.

Available parameters:

  • context
  • ancestor_context
  • parent
  • dataloaders (supports multiple)
  • collectors (supports multiple)
class Blog(BaseModel):
    id: int

    comments: list[str] = []
    def resolve_comments(self):
        return ['comment-1', 'comment-2']

    def post_comments(self):
        return self.comments[-1:] # keep the last one


The post_default_handler is a special post method that is executed after all post methods have been executed. It is used to handle some finishing work.

Note that this method does not have automatic assignment logic, you need to manually specify it.

Available parameters:

  • context
  • ancestor_context
  • parent
  • collectors (supports multiple)
class Blog(BaseModel):
    id: int

    length: int

    def post_default_handler(self):
        self.length = 100


The entry point for pydantic-resolve execution.

class Resolver:
    def __init__(
            loader_params: Optional[Dict[Any, Dict[str, Any]]] = None,
            global_loader_param: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
            loader_instances: Optional[Dict[Any, Any]] = None,
            context: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None):


Used to provide parameters for DataLoader.

resolver = Resolver(loader_params={ LoaderA: { "param_x": 1, "param_y": 2 } })


Used to globally set DataLoader parameters.

resolver = Resolver(global_loader_param={ { "param_x": 1, "param_y": 2 } })

Note that if there are multiple sources of parameters:

resolver = Resolver(
    loader_params={ LoaderA: { "param_x": 2 } }, 
    global_loader_param={ { "param_x": 1, "param_y": 2 } })

It will report an error.


You can pass in DataLoader instances (pre-filled with data).

loader = LoaderA()'a', [1,2,3])
resolver = Resolver(loader_instances={ LoaderA: loader })


Provides global parameters that can be accessed in all resolve and post methods.

resolver = Resolver(context={'name': 'tangkikodo'})

Method Parameter Description


context is a global context set in the Resolver method and can be accessed by all methods.

class Blog(BaseModel):
    id: int

    comments: list[str] = []
    def resolve_comments(self, context):
        prefix = context['prefix']
        return [f'{prefix}-{c}' for c in ['comment-1', 'comment-2']]

    def post_comments(self, context):
        limit = context['limit']
        return self.comments[-limit:]  # get last [limit] comments

blog = Blog(id=1)
blog = await Resolver(context={'prefix': 'my', 'limit': 1}).resolve(blog)


In some scenarios, we may need to get data from an ancestor node, which can be achieved through ancestor_context.

First, you need to add the __pydantic_resolve_expose__ parameter in the ancestor node to configure the field names and aliases to be provided (in case of name conflicts in the hierarchy).

Then you can read it through ancestor_context.

class Blog(BaseModel):
    __pydantic_resolve_expose__ = {'title': 'blog_title' }
    id: int
    title: str

    comments: list[Comment] = []
    def resolve_comments(self, loader=LoaderDepend(blog_to_comments_loader)):
        return loader.load(

    comment_count: int = 0
    def post_comment_count(self):
        return len(self.comments)

class Comment(BaseModel):
    id: int
    content: str
    def post_content(self, ancestor_context):
        blog_title = ancestor_context['blog_title']
        return f'[{blog_title}] - {self.content}'


You can get your direct parent node, which is particularly useful in tree structures.

class Tree(BaseModel):
    name: str
    children: List[Tree] = []

    path: str = ''
    def resolve_path(self, parent):
        if parent is not None:
            return f'{parent.path}/{}'

data = dict(name="a", children=[
    dict(name="b", children=[
    dict(name="d", children=[
data = await Resolver().resolve(Tree(**data))


collector can be used to obtain data from descendant nodes across generations. It needs to be used in conjunction with Collector and the __pydantic_resolve_collect__ parameter.

Define __pydantic_resolve_collect__ in the descendant nodes to specify the field information/collector name to be provided.

collector allows developers to flexibly adjust the data structure without having to loop through the descendant nodes.

For example, we can collect comment information for each blog in the top-level schema.

form pydantic_resolve import Collector

class MyBlogSite(BaseModel):
    blogs: list[Blog] = []
    async def resolve_blogs(self):
        return await get_blogs()

    comment_count: int = 0
    def post_comment_count(self):
        return sum([b.comment_count for b in self.blogs])

    all_comments: list[Comment] = []
    def post_all_comments(self, collector=Collector(alias='blog_comments', flat=True)):
        return collector.values()

class Blog(BaseModel):
    __pydantic_resolve_expose__ = {'title': 'blog_title' }
    __pydantic_resolve_collect__ = {'comments': 'blog_comments' }
    id: int
    title: str

    comments: list[Comment] = []
    def resolve_comments(self, loader=LoaderDepend(blog_to_comments_loader)):
        return loader.load(

    comment_count: int = 0
    def post_comment_count(self):
        return len(self.comments)

class Comment(BaseModel):
    id: int
    content: str
    def post_content(self, ancestor_context):
        blog_title = ancestor_context['blog_title']
        return f'[{blog_title}] - {self.content}'
  1. collector supports creating multiple instances.
  2. Collector will use an array to accumulate data by default. flat=True will use extend to merge data internally.
  3. You can create custom collectors by inheriting ICollector.
from pydantic_resolve import ICollector

class CounterCollector(ICollector):
    def __init__(self, alias):
        self.alias = alias
        self.counter = 0

    def add(self, val):
        self.counter = self.counter + len(val)

    def values(self):
        return self.counter

Note that collector can only be used in post and post_default_handler.

In the post method, you can collect data from resolve or other object fields' descendants.

In post_default_handler, you can additionally collect data from the return values of post methods' descendants.


DataLoader can merge multiple concurrent asynchronous queries into one.

In pydantic-resolve, you need to use LoaderDepend to manage DataLoader.

It supports declaring multiple DataLoader instances in one method.

from pydantic_resolve import LoaderDepend

class Blog(BaseModel):
    id: int
    title: str

    comments: list[Comment] = []
    async def resolve_comments(self,
        v1 = await loader1.load(  # list
        v2 = await loader2.load(  # list
        return v1 + v2

If the DataLoader has class variables defined, you can provide parameters in the Resolver method.

class LoaderA(DataLoader):
    power: int
    async def batch_load_fn(self, keys: List[int]):
        return [ k** self.power for k in keys ]

data = await Resolver(loader_filters={LoaderA:{'power': 2}}).resolve(data)

If multiple instances of the same type of DataLoader use the same parameters, you can use global_loader_param to simplify parameter settings.

Use with caution, as parameter maintenance may become unclear.

Auxiliary Methods

build_list, build_object

Used in DataLoader to aggregate the obtained data according to the keys.

build_list returns an array of objects, build_object returns an object.

Signature: build_list(data, keys, lambda d: d.key)


Using exclude can remove fields when pydantic converts to the target data, but doing so alone will still include the name field in the definition when generating openapi.json in FastAPI. Adding the model_config() decorator can remove name.

Signature: model_config(default_required=True)

class Data(BaseModel):
    name: str = Field('', exclude=True)


Signature: ensure_subset(base_kls)

If you only need a subset of fields but want to strictly ensure the subset, you can use ensure_subset to check.

If the Base changes and the field does not exist, it will raise an AttributeError.

class Base(BaseModel):
    a: str
    b: int

class ChildA(BaseModel):
    a: str


Provides a data conversion decorator.

class Data(BaseModel):
    id: int

    items: List[Item] = []

    @mapper(lambda x: do_some_conversion(x))
    def resolve_items(self, loader=LoaderDepend(ItemLoader)):
        return loader.load(


Copies a DataLoader to handle cases where different parameters need to be passed to DataLoader.

NewLoader = copy_dataloader_kls('NewLoader', OriginLoader)


  • ResolverTargetAttrNotFound: Target field not found.
  • LoaderFieldNotProvidedError: Required parameters for the Loader are not provided in Resolve.
  • GlobalLoaderFieldOverlappedError: Duplicate parameters in global_loader_params and loader_params.
  • MissingCollector: Target collector not found, not defined in ancestor node methods.