工作记录 - pandas, python, css ..

21 Jul 2014




使用fiveNumber, 即箱线图的方式来区分异常价格

from pymongo import MongoClient
from bson.objectid import ObjectId
import pandas as pd

# setUp 

prods = MongoClient('')['dev'].products 
query = prods.find_one({'_id':ObjectId("53bce82e8ddf879f99703ee9")})
prices = query['_unitPrice']

def find_limits(describe, n = 1.5):
    '''find upper and lower limits from five number'''
    IQR = describe['75%'] - describe['25%']
    delta = n * IQR
    upper_limit = describe['75%'] + delta
    lower_limit = describe['25%'] - delta
    return lower_limit, upper_limit
frame = pd.DataFrame(prices)
frame = frame.T
frame.columns = ['weight', 'price']
frame.price = frame.price.astype('int32')
de = frame.price.describe()
l, u = find_limits(de)
print(frame[ frame.price < l ])
print(frame[ frame.price > u ])

##nlp ###calculate the coverage of words from wordmaker 只有28.0%, 许多词太长了需要截短才能找到..


from rq import Queue, Connecction, Worker
def worker():
    with Connecction(Redis()):
        w = Worker(Queue('review_nlp'))


visual formatting model

css tricks


#yield from.. see PEP380
def walker(d):                                                                          
   if isinstance(d, dict):                                                             
       for k in d:                                                                     
           yield k                                                                     
           yield from walker(d[k])                                                     
d = {'a':1, 'b': {'c': 2, 'd': 'c'}}

#flatten nested list.
def flat(nested):
        for ele in nested:
            for subele in flatten_v3(ele):
                yield subele
    except TypeError:
        yield nested

##read PEP8 again link

##Redis redis is an in-memory remote database that offers high performance, replication, and a unique data model to produce a platform for solving problems.

supporting five different types of data structs

    set hello world
    get hello
    rpush list-key item1
    rpush list-key item2
    lrange list-key 0 -1
    lindex list-key 1
    lpop list-key
    lrange list-key 0 -1
    sadd set-key item
    sadd set-key item2
    sadd set-key item3
    sadd set-key item //return (integer) 0
    smembers set-key
    sismember set-key item4
    sismember set-key item
    srem set-key item2
    smembers set-key
    hset hash-key sub-key1 value1
    hset hash-key sub-key2 value2
    hset hash-key sub-key1 value1
    hgetall hash-key
    hdel hash-key sub-key2
    hdel hash-key sub-key2
    hget hash-key sub-key1
    hgetall hash-key
    zadd zset-key 728 member1
    zadd zset-key 982 member0
    zadd zset-key 982 member0
    zrange zset-key 0 -1 withscores
    zrange zset-key 0 800 withscores
    zrem zset-key member1
    zrem zset-key member1
    zrange zset-key 0 -1 withscores

##selenium ###simple usage

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys

driver = webdriver.Firefox()
assert "Python" in driver.title
elem = driver.find_element_by_name("q")

###write tests

import unittest
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys

class PythonOrgSearch(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.driver = webdriver.Firefox()

    def test_search_in_python_org(self):
        driver = self.driver
        self.assertIn("Python", driver.title)
        elem = driver.find_element_by_name("q")

    def tearDown(self):

if __name__ == "__main__":


element = browser.find_element_by_xpath("//select[@name='name']")
element = browser.find_element_by_xpath("//input[@id='kw1']")

if there’s more than one element that matched the query, then only the first will be returned.If nothing can be found, a NoSuchElementException will be raised

###interacting with page You can easily clear the contents of a text field or textarea with clear method:


###filling in forms toggle the state of drop down use setSelected to set something like an OPTION tage selected

element = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//select[@name='name']")
all_options = element.find_elements_by_tag_name("option")
for option in all_options:
    print("Value is: %s" % option.get_attribute("value"))
from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import Select
select = Select(driver.find_element_by_name('name'))

select = Select(driver.find_element_by_id('id'))

###drag and drop

element = driver.find_element_by_name("source")
target = driver.find_element_by_name("target")

from selenium.webdriver import ActionChains
action_chains = ActionChains(driver)
action_chains.drag_and_drop(element, target)

###moving between windows and frames


###notice if your page uses a lot of ajax on load then WebDriver may not know when it has completely loaded.If you need to ensure such pages are fully loaded then you can use waits.


from pyquery import PyQuery as pq
perfix = 'http://www.fifa.com'

def fetchStatistic(link, meta):
    rec = {}
    d = pq(link)
    generic = pq(d('#generalStatsTopContainer').html())
    stats = ['attacks', 'shots', 'delivery_penalty_area', 
    'clearances_attempted', 'passes_completed']
    for stat in stats:
        #print('basic', stat)
        home = generic('[data-codename={}] [data-statref=home]'.format(stat)).text().split(' ')[0]
        away = generic('[data-codename={}] [data-statref=away]'.format(stat)).text().split(' ')[0]
        rec[stat] = {'home': home, 'away': away}

    #for i, t in d('table.statistic-block  tr'):

    fouls = d('#disciplinary .chart-container-donut-doubleside')
    home_fouls = fouls.children('.chart-leftlabel').text()
    away_fouls = fouls.children('.chart-rightlabel').text()
    foulStat = d('#disciplinary .table.statistics-block tr')
    for i,c in enumerate(foulStat):
        content = foulStat.eq(i).text()
        h, *fc, a = content.split(' ')
        #print(' '.join(fc), h, a)
        rec[' '.join(fc)] = {'home': h, 'away':a}
    #TODO insert into mongodb

def main():
    d = pq('http://www.fifa.com/worldcup/matches/index.html')
    matches = d('.match-list-date .mu.result')
    for i, match in enumerate(matches):
        content = matches.eq(i).html()
        d = pq(content)  
        href = d('a').attr('href')
        date = d('.mu-i .mu-i-date').text()
        rund = d('.mu-i .mu-i-group').text()
        home = d('.mu-m .t.home .t-nText').text()
        Score = d('.mu-m .s div.s-score').text().split('-')
        homeScore = Score[0]
        awayScore = Score[1]
        away = d('.mu-m .t.away .t-nText').text()
        statisticLink = href.replace('index','statistics') 

        print(home, homeScore, away, awayScore)
        meta = {'game': {'home':home, 'away': away},
                'date': date,
                'round': rund}
        fetchStatistic(perfix + statisticLink, meta)

if __name__ == "__main__":

##world cup player statistics

and pdfs under each pages

##pdb commands

  • h(elp)
  • help command
  • c(ontinue)
  • q(uit)
  • b(reak)number
  • b path/to/file.py:number: set breakpoint at line No in specificc file
  • s(tep)
  • n(ext)
  • u(p) / d(own)
  • a(rgs)
  • debub statement
  • l(ist) statement
  • w(here)

##mongo search

    {"$where" :function(){
        for (var cur in this) {
            for (var other in this) {
            if (cur != other && this[cur] ==this[other])
            return true;
    return false