raspbery Pi

20 Jul 2014



###import direcotrie directory | descriptions —– | —– /etc/init.d| scripts to start up services /proc| about running processes and OS /usr/src| source of linux /var| system logs and spool files /var/cache| like apt-get store caches here


chmod u+rwx, g-rwx,o-rwx file.txt
chmod 777 file.txt

###running headless the ssh server on the Rapsberry Pi is enabled by default run raspi-config if for some reason it doesn’t work

##python in raspberry pi




n = 0

def setup():
	global n
	n = 100

###modules modules | ——-| RPi.GPIO| Pygame| SimpleCV| Scipy| Numpy| Flask| Requests| PIL| wxPython| PySerial| pyUSB|

to be continue.